What are the rules for vessel sanding, grinding & stripping?
- Insure you have impermeable surface/tarps to insure nothing falls on the open ground or surface water.
- Place a piece of wood down to protect the tarp while sanding near your keel. If you hole the tarp, you will be charged an addition $100 for its replacement.
- Manually sweep or vacuum frequently to clean all impermeable surfaces/tarps and watch the weather.
- Paint chips or sanding dust must be disposed of properly to protect the environment, see marina manager from proper recycling/disposal.
- Use paintsrippers such as Peel Away or Nu-Strip instead of sanding.
- Recycle solvent soaked rags by placing them in a fireproof storage bin.
- Do not poke holes in the tarp so water can drain through.
- Don’t leave dust, chips or residue on impermeable surface or tarp for more than 6 hours.
- Do not leave used sandpaper or trash on impermeable surface or tarp.
- Don’t work off of your impermeable surface/tarps.
- Never put paints, varnish or cleaners in dumpster.